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This page details small shrubs available from Aspley Nursery - it highlights some of the less known plants useful in landscape as well as more popular plants.
Bougainvillea Temple Fire Carissa Desert Star Gardenia florida Murraya Min A Min Rhaphiolepis Yedda Westringia zena
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.Pilea cadierei or the aluminum plant is a plant that was very popular in the 60's as a indoor plant but in the ensuing years was slowly disappearing from the trade. This is one of the hardiest plants you can use for shady areas where you require a low growing very hardy small shrub. The variegated leaves are the main feature of this plant. It is especially useful in landscape in the shady canyons between multi storey dwellings. It is a very low maintenance plant |
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Bougainvillea's temple fire is the oldest grown dwarf Bougainvillea. It has been used for hybridisation to produce many of the smaller growing Bougainvillea available. In general it will grow to about 500mm in an open growing full sun position, it will grow taller where it is in semi shade especially if it is in amongst other shrubs and trees where it can "lean" on those plants to search for the sun. When grown in full sun it will flower heavily especially in areas of harsh conditions where it puts it's energy into flowering rather than new growth. It has quite small thorns hidden amongst the magenta coloured bract |
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Carissa Desert Star is a super tough small shrub. It features deep green foliage that has small spines on the end. It bears masses of white star shaped flowers followed a few edible berries. It is a very tough plant and will grow right on the sea front. The large plants in the photos are from the back gardens of the nursery where the gardens are not irrigated and yet it thrives. |
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Gardenia Florida is one of the most versatile of the Gardenia Florida as it will grow in sun and shade, and can be kept as a formal clipped hedge or as an informal hedge. The stunning double flowers and beautiful fragrance is another benefit. This is one of the most reliable landscape plants available with it's hardiness and disease resistance. |
Murraya Mina Min is a selection made by Trevor Garrad. It is an excellent hedging plant that has small densely packed leaves and pure white flowers. This is an excellent replacement for Buxus in sub tropical gardens and is easily maintained requiring an occasional clip to keep it shapely. I have a box hedge of Murraya Min-a-min PBR that I maintain at about 600mm and another I keep at 400mm both are easy care, pest free and require pruning about every two months- slightly more in summer less in winter. The pruning basically means I don't get much flower but it is more than made up for with it's neat appearance. |
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Obsession™ Nandina is the improved selection of the popular dwarf Nandina ‘Gulf Stream’. It gets about the same size, but has new red growth for most of the year. The cultivar name ‘SEIKA’ means ‘sacred fire’ in Japanese and was given this name because of the colour of the new growth. |
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Rhaphiolepis Yedda is a
hardy form of Indian hawthorn. It has the same cluster of bright white
flowers as other Indian hawthorn but is a dwarf form. It grows about .7m
with an upright habit and tough dark green foliage. This plant will grow in full sun or full shade, it's very tough making it an excellent landscape selection. |
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Westringia zena are
and fairly drought
tolerant. Zena is a fast growing shrub with blue
green foliage giving a silvery appearance.
Zena is ideal as a small
hedge producing clusters of white flowers that appear throughout the year. |