Plants with Texture

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This is a list of some of the structural plants that can add texture to your landscape. Tropical gardens and modern alike use this style of plant to add interest.  

Alocasia macrorrhiza    Alocasia Black Stem    Philodendron Congo    Philodendron Rojo Congo    Neomarica "Walking Stick Iris"    Schefflera Madam de Smet    Spathiphyllum Petite

Alocasia macrorrhiza

alocasia macrorrhiza  In the shade Alocasia macrorrhiza will grow to 2-3m very quickly especially when it has warm weather, plentiful moisture and added fertiliser. In harsher conditions it will grow to 1.5-2m and be a much denser plant. It's a good choice for textural change in a tropical and modern garden

Neomarica "Walking Stick Iris"

neomarica  In sun or shade Neomarica will provide a contrast with it's stiff upright leaves. It splits at the base forming a thick clump but actually gets it's name from it's habit of flowering and creating a new plant at the flowering site that slowly lowers to the ground starting a new plant. Lovely mauve flowers are just a bonus. 

Philodendron Congo


Philodendron Congo leaf Philodendron Congo
  A dense stiff leafed Philodendron that self heads creating a lush tropical appearance. Like most Philodendrons they will grow in incredibly tough situations especially where there is root competition.

Philodendron Rojo Congo

philodendron Rojo Congo.jpg  philodendron Rojo Congo.jpg 
 Rojo Congo has all of the attributes of Congo but with the added benefit of it's deep red foliage. It prefers to grow in light semi shade to full shade.The glossy leavesand hardiness of this plant make it a superior performer in the landscape


Schefflera Madam de Smet pbr

Schefflera Madam de Smet leaf Schefflera Madam de Smet
Schefflera Madam de Smet pbr is one of my favorite design plants as it can be used in so many ways. It will happily grow in full sun or semi shaded positions, the photos above were taken in an exposed garden in full sun. The glossy variegated foliage can be used to lift a dull green corner or to give year round colour to a tropical garden. They love being grown in pots I have three in pots for about 12 years with minimal maintenance and maximum impact. It is slow growing and naturally bushy and can be maintained at about 1m high with minimal maintenance

Spathiphyllum Petite

spathyphyllum Petite flower spathyphyllum Petite
Spathiphyllum is a versatile plant and should be part of your landscape if you have a shaded spot. It can be used as a mass planting but can also be mixed with plants such as Clivia, Liriope, Carex, Chamaedorea, Rhapis, and Impatiens. I like this variety as it is a good grower with lots of flowers and has few problems.